Sunday, October 26, 2008

Opening of The Children's Village at Christian City Soon!

By Phil Kouns
Chief Operating Officer
Christian City Home For Children, Inc

The much anticipated date is just around the corner! The opening of Phase I of The Children’s Village at Christian City will be announced in a few weeks’ time and occupancy of the first cottages will become a reality.

We have all heard the expression “Some things never change”. Well, that’s not exactly a concrete statement, although it’s a good statement regarding the work of the Christian City Home for Children, Inc. While we are making a change in our children’s homes location on our campus, and we have changed the name of the residential program from The Home for Children to The Children’s Village at Christian City, our quality program and our commitment to the 43 year ministry to children of need “..will never change!”
What began as a dream of caring folks out of the Southwest Christian Church, the Christian City Home for Children, Inc. celebrated the 43 years anniversary of the opening day of service on February 14, 2008.

The Children’s Village at Christian City is a continuation of the past 43 years of serving God’s children who are in need of a “home away from home” due to circumstances beyond their control. These new homes are replacing the original cottages built to care for children placed at Christian City. The need to change to a new type of home that is better suited for these children became paramount. Our homes are being built with state-of-the-art craftsmanship and will include a new floor plan, new furnishings and appliances. Utilities were all considered in planning to assure long term efficiency. These are not institutional settings, but rather a family dwelling with the look and feel of “home”.

Phase I of The Children’s Village is a secure location with limited access and includes the first four homes. One has a full basement to serve as a safety/storm shelter for all four homes should the need arise for a shelter. Each of the homes face the drive-around loop, which will eventually contain 8-10 homes. This initial phase includes two homes for boys and two homes for girls for a total of 32 children. These children are currently placed in our original homes on campus. We are not building new capacity, but rather a relocation of these children. Construction is nearing completion on the last home and we are awaiting a Certificate of Occupancy.

Phase I also includes the Home for Children, Inc. Administration building with an adjoining training room for house parents, foster parents, and the community at large.
This building is currently under construction and is targeted to be completed by August, 2008. The Administration building will serve as the Welcome Center for The Children’s Village, and will be the processing point for all visitors. The Administration Building will also house the social services caseworkers who handle child intake interviews and placement of children at Christian City.

During this initial move, two cottages that serve as relief cottages for our full time
House parents, will remain on the current Home for Children, Inc. campus. Phase II will include two new homes for those relief cottages, as well as two new homes which may be used for emergency/respite relief, and a child advocacy center of some type to be determined.

There is a significant need for assistance with the “move in” to Phase I at The Children’s Village when that date is announced. We will be moving four homes full of furnishings, new furniture, children’s personal belongings, kitchen supplies, as well as all the usual “stuff” that families accumulate through the years. If you, or your church group, civic club, business associates, family and friends would like to be put on the list to assist in this momentous day, please call Lauren Kosiba, Administrative Assistant to Philip Kouns at 770-703-2636. We can’t wait to welcome you to The Children’s Village at Christian City and thank all of you who have donated your time, services, and resources to help make The Children’s Village possible!

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